WashU Medicine sports cardiologist Mustafa Husaini, MD, explains how it works in a new Science of St. Louis Blues Hockey episode.
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Director of Sports Cardiology for WashU, Dr. Mustafa Husaini, stars in a new episode of the BJC series Science of St. Louis Blues Hockey titled “Heart of a Coach“.
The episode focuses on what happens to the heart of a hockey coach during an intense game, and is featured for Heart Month.
“The increased blood flow helps his mind be on high alert, perceiving everything that is happening throughout the game, analyzing what’s working and what’s not, making quick decisions and the necessary adjustments, and putting his team in a position to win,” says Dr. Husaini.
Dr. Husaini points out that although a coach’s heart won’t beat as fast or as hard as the players’ hearts, his heart rate will remain consistently elevated throughout the game.
“He’s not physically exerting himself to the same extent, and his peak heart rate is lower,” he says. “That doesn’t mean, however, that his heart isn’t working just as hard during a game!”
Watch all episodes of Science of St. Louis Blues here.