• ACE-MOVE:  Registry focusing on diagnosis and innovative treatments to improve outcomes in patients with amyloidosis. Joshua Mitchell, MD. Washington University.
  • ATRIUM:  Phase 3 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Abatacept in hospitalized participants with Immune checkpoint inhibitor associated myocarditis. Joshua Mitchell, MD. Massachusetts General Brigham/Bristol Myers Squibb. 
  • BIOMARKER ANALYSIS IN PATIENTS WITH CANCER:  Prediction of cancer therapeutics related cardiac dysfunction and major adverse cardiovascular events in cancer patients treated with potentially cardiotoxic agents. Joshua Mitchell, MD. Washington University.
  • CARDIAC REHAB:  Cardiac Rehabilitation for patients receiving radiation therapy for thoracic cancers. Shahed Badiyan, MD. The Foundation for Barnes Jewish Hospital.
  • CARISMA:  Phase 2 study evaluating tyrosine kinase inhibitor risk-reduction with intensive systolic BP management. Joshua Mitchell, MD. ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group.
  • CARING:  Continuous versus intermittent cardiac electrical monitoring in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia or solid tumor cancer being treated with arsenic trioxide or capecitabine. Joshua Mitchell, MD. Washington University.
  • CLARITY:  A study of patients with histologically confirmed, advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving radiation therapy evaluating biomarkers of cardiovascular stress, inflammation and vascular dysfunction. Joshua Mitchell, MD. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
  • ICI ASSOCIATED MYOCARDITIS:  Characterization of heart tissue from patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis. Jesus Jimenez, MD, Ph.D.  Washington University.
  • PROACT:  Evaluation of MyoStrain® sequences with cardiac MRI to assist in the early detection and management of cardiotoxicity from therapeutics used to treat cancer.  Joshua Mitchell, MD. Myocardial Solutions, Inc.
  • SURVIVE Registry: Cardiovascular toxicity in cancer and improvement in recovery registry.  Joshua Mitchell, MD.
  • TACTIC:  A study of patients with HER-2 positive breast cancer receiving HER-2 directed therapy evaluating the timing of carvedilol initiation as an agent to reduce the incidence of LVEF decline. Joshua Mitchell, MD. Mayo Clinic.