All third year fellows.

Mohammed Ahmed, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Residency: Washington University

Nathan Bekele, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Residency: Washington University

Rohan Bhandari, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Yale School of Medicine
Residency: University of Michigan

Frederick Brown, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Chief Fellow
Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Residency: Washington University

Anne Marie Kerchberger, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine
Residency: University Texas Southwestern

Colin Martz, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine
Residency: Brigham & Women’s

Preet Shaikh, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Aga Khan University Medical College
Residency: Washington University

Sang Gune (Kyle) Yoo, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Northwestern University the Feinberg School of Medicine
Residency: University of Michigan

Qiujun (Queena) Yu, MD
Third-Year Fellow
Medical School: Fourth Military Medical University
Residency: University of Iowa