Heart Matters – August 2023

Here’s Why You Need to Take the Heat Seriously
Dr. Marc Sintek spoke to KSDK News about extreme heat and cardiovascular health.

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. — Extreme heat can quickly overwhelm people and lead to heat-related illness, even death.
If you aren’t feeling your best in this weather, doctors want you to take note and head inside to air conditioning.
“It’s getting to be time where athletics are starting, young children are outside and all those things,” said Dr. Marc Sintek a Washington University cardiologist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, “I think it’s important to recognize that heat-related illnesses are a really big problem this time of year for a lot of young people who are otherwise healthy.”
But Sintek said people don’t realize the dangers of heat.
“When it becomes very cold in St. Louis or there are ice storms or it is below zero, everyone seems to do a pretty good job of staying at home and not going outside. But it seems like when it is 110 degrees outside and the humidity is 90%, it’s just like we will go out and do whatever.”
Do not get tempted by sunshine and blue skies. “People need to recognize that they’re extremes, but they are both potentially hazardous,” Sintek said.
Severe cases of heat-related illness can leave someone with a myriad of problems.
Sintek listed some of the issues: “potentially stroke, it can cause problems with your heart, it can cause problem with your kidneys, it can cause problems with your muscles and their breaking down. There’s a whole host of illnesses that can occur from people who get severely ill from heat related illness,” he said.
If you are on certain medications, you may benefit from checking in with your doctor during this heat wave. “It’s always wise to call your primary care doctor,” Sintek said.
“Ask a little bit about, ‘Hey, I think I may have had some heat-related illness, I was out a little too long, what do you think we should do?'” Sintek said sometimes doctors will adjust medications or advising holding off on medications for a day or so during extreme heat.
Sintek also said you can’t hydrate your way out of heat-related illness. Hydration helps, but can’t fix everything.
WHO Updates List of Essential Medicines to Include Heart Polypills
Dr. Anubha Agarwal, med student JingJing Zhu & Dr. Mark Huffman successfully applied to add ASCVD polypills (to prevent heart disease) to the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines.

The World Health Organization updated its guidelines for essential medicines Wednesday to include drugs to treat multiple sclerosis, heart conditions, cancer and more. But obesity medications were not added to the list, despite requests this year from researchers in the United States.
During its meeting in April, WHO’s review committee considered over 100 therapeutics before recommending 24 medicines for adults and 12 for children to be added to the Model Lists of Essential Medicines (EML) and Essential Medicines for Children (EMLc).
The additions bring the total number of medications on the EML and EMLc to 502 and 361, respectively.
Updated every two years, the lists are registers of medications that WHO considers to be minimum requirements for every health care system to have available. The lists are internationally recognized guides for countries’ health systems, helping them prioritize medications that are effective and affordable. Each addition, according to WHO, is considered “essential to address key public health needs.”
The guidelines recommend, for the first time, “polypills” to treat heart disease and other cardiovascular issues. The term refers to a combination of medicines to treat heart issues: medication to lower blood pressure, a statin to lower cholesterol, a medication to make the heart beat with less force and sometimes aspirin.
A growing body of research shows that polypills can be an inexpensive, effective way to reduce the risk of heart problems, with studies indicating that they can cut the risk of cardiovascular problems by almost 40%. But even though heart complications like heart disease and heart attacks kill 18 million people each year, only a few companies manufacture polypills, and few people take them.
The inclusion of polypills on the WHO guidelines could change that. Some health officials believe that their place on the Essential Medicines List would encourage governments and insurance companies to recommend them, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital Certified as Comprehensive Cardiac Center by Joint Commission

After conducting a rigorous on-site survey, The Joint Commission has issued a certification to Barnes-Jewish Hospital as a Comprehensive Cardiac Center.
Launched in 2017, Comprehensive Cardiac Center Certification is a voluntary program for hospitals seeking an independent evaluation and recognition of their comprehensive cardiac center services.
The program was designed for hospitals with robust cardiac care facilities, aiming to help organizations establish the structures, processes and culture necessary to achieve sustained levels of effective clinical performance and patient outcomes across cardiac specialties and the continuum of care.
The mission of The Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.
Dr. Joynt-Maddox Publishes AHA Review of Value-Based Payment Systems, Proposes Next Steps

A new policy statement aimed at clinicians treating patients with cardiovascular disease has provided a snapshot of value-based payment programs and laid out a vision for what they should look like as the US healthcare system increasingly shifts away from fee-for-service models..
For certain types of situations, getting paid for each discrete encounter, intervention, or procedure makes sense, “but for preventive care and chronic care, we’re really starting to understand that we need to move toward thinking about paying for care quite differently,” Karen Joynt Maddox, MD (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO), vice chair of the American Heart Association (AHA) writing group and senior author of the paper, told TCTMD.
That’s where value-based payment models come in, and these can include programs ranging from those that provide minor financial incentives or disincentives depending on the quality of care delivered to broader population-based plans.
The latter “really tries to disrupt that kind of one-for-one payment model and instead moves toward trying to pay clinicians for managing the health of a population,” Joynt Maddox said. “We think that that would allow people to be more innovative and probably deliver care that’s more patient-centered. . . . It’s really moving toward thinking about how we can manage patients and meet them where they are, and the current fee-for-service system just doesn’t incent that at all.”
Over time, there has been a move toward value-based payment models, “but it really is a journey and it’s been sort of a slow and not-steady one,” Joynt Maddox said.
Published online Monday in Circulation, the policy statement, with Alexander Sandhu, MD (Stanford University, CA), as lead author and vice chair and Paul Heidenreich, MD (Stanford University and the VA Palo Alto Health Care System, CA), as chair, comes at a time when “there’s broad recognition that we need to keep moving towards value-based and population payment models,” Joynt Maddox said. “We felt like it was the time to take stock, if you will, and look at what had been done and maybe where we should be moving we as collectively take that next step.”
Dr. Amanda Verma Receives 2023 LEAD Award

Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Verma, Director of the Division’s Cardio-Obstetrics program, on receiving the inaugural AWAM Leaders in Empowerment and Development (LEAD) Award!
Given by the Washington University Department of Internal Medicine’s Advancing Women In Academic Medicine program, the award recognizes DOM faculty members who have demonstrated transformational leadership qualities as a sponsor, mentor, or collaborator, or who have challenged, motivated, or inspired others to advance their career.
Dr. Abbey Spencer was this year’s other LEAD award recipient.
Dr. Alan Braverman Presents at International Meetings

Dr. Alan Braverman, Alumni Endowed Professor of Cardiovascular Diseases and Director of the Washington University School of Medicine Marfan Syndrome Clinic, has travelled this summer to conferences in Isreal and Spain.
Dr. Braverman was invited to be the Plenary Speaker at 3rd Cardiogenetics Symposium of the Israel Heart Society in Tel Aviv on Friday, June 30. He went on to lecture at Cardiology division at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem on Wednesday, July 4.
Earlier in June he attended the International Meeting on Aortic Pathologies in Barcelona, Spain, where he presented two lectures.
Dr. Braverman is one of the foremost experts on Marfan Syndrome and Aortopathy, and we congratulate him on his continued recognition as a leader in this field!
Dr. Justin Sadhu Honored by Medical Students

Washington University School of Medicine students recently honored faculty and residents with Distinguished Service Teaching Awards. The awards, which were first given in 1991, highlight the students’ appreciation for dedication, patience and skill in training aspiring physicians.
Students completing their first, second and third year of studies select the module leads, lecturers, clerkship directors, attendings and residents who have made significant contributions to their education. The most recent honorees were awarded April 13 at the Eric P. Newman Education Center on the Medical Campus.
Among those honored was Justin Sadhu, MD, an associate professor of medicine, who received two awards for his outstanding contributions to education at the School of Medicine.
Amy Karl Receives Advanced Sonographer Credentials

Heart Care Institute Sonographer Amy Karl recently passed her ACS, or Advanced Cardiac Sonographer credential from the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
he ACS credential provides a career track for sonographers who practice at an advanced level in an echocardiography laboratory. The ACS is committed to improving lab quality and efficiency through preparing preliminary echo assessments, performing advanced echocardiograms, mentoring fellows, students, residents, and staff, developing and implementing educational plans, facilitating continuous quality improvement, and coordinating cardiac sonography research.
Congratulations Amy on this difficult achievement!
Way to Shine!
“The patient contacted me to share that she is very grateful to Donna Fuehne, Dr. Thakker’s nurse. The patient shared Donna is so impressive, on top of things, and is grateful that she was quickly able to resolve a concern of hers. She would like to ensure that Donna is recognized for her excellence.”
Other Way to Shine’s for this month were Joan Avery, Carolyn Iezzi, Denise Smith, Nina Kelly, Barbara Stehman, Dana Gima, Katherine Ramsay, Victoria Menning, Krystal Chaimberlain, Deana Wilmesher, Kelsey Fassold, Jessica Wagner, Mandy Harris and Mayia Wilkins.
If you catch someone in the act of shining, contact or send an email to bolhafner@wustl.edu.
CCR Spotlight: Lavine Lab

Each month, Heart Matters will highlight a research lab or clinical program. We want everyone in the division to be proud of the work we do across all of our locations and disciplines.
The Lavine Lab at Washington University School of Medicine focuses on developing novel therapeutics for cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infraction, heart failure, myocarditis, and heart transplant rejection. Led by CCR director Dr. Kory Lavine, the lab was established in 2016 and currently has 20 members.
The Lavine lab works to identify new treatments that reverse the primary causes of heart failure and improve the heart’s intrinsic ability to undergo tissue repair. Using data collected from studying human tissue, as well as single-cell RNA sequencing, they design precision therapies to target specific cells involved in heart failure.
Recent lab research has focused on the role of CCR2 macrophages, which are a specific type of immune cell, and how their presence in the heart effects patients with heart failure. By asking how these cells get activated, what they make that is harmful, and what other cells they interact with, the lab has developed different ways to combat the negative effects of these cells.
An inhibitor pill for CCR2 has now passed through clinical stages and is FDA approved, and the lab is collaborating with other innovators on an antibody therapy option. The first clinical trial for patients with arrythmogenic cardiomyopathy is in early stages, with Cardiovascular Division faculty Drs. Phil Cuculich and Justin Vader also involved.
Important to this research is the Translational Cardiovascular Biobank & Repository, or TCBR which maintains a large human heart tissue bank that is used to study abnormalities that exist in patients with heart failure and coronary artery disease. Access to the TCBR is vital for the work that the Lavine and other labs do, discovering ways to precisely target cellular and genetic causes of these diseases.
It is important to Dr. Lavine to create career paths for lab trainees. For instance, Drs. Jimenez and Kopecky who have both come onto faculty in recent years, trained as post-docs in the Lavine Lab.
Andrea Bredemeyer, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Medicine. She works on technology development in the lab, and recently brought in a new instrument for single-cell processing. Dr. Bredemeyer says that the Lavine Lab is an exciting place to work.
“Kory is always looking ahead toward what are the new things coming along to help us answer the questions we are interested in.” She appreciates the culture of the lab promotes “a forward-thinking, progressive way to look at science”.
Lab tech Lauren Bell agrees, noting “we are encouraged toward independence and taking risks, and are given continuous support”.
The passion of the whole team at the Lavine Lab comes through in their work, and their enthusiasm for discovering new ways to help save lives.
Meet The Team: Fellowship Coordinators

Not pictured: Cheryl Marshall
About the fellowship team
The fellowship team, led by Manager of Medical Education Programs Carolyn Iezzi, is crucial to supporting our cardiovascular fellows during their time in the division. Other members of the team are Residency/Fellowship Program Coordinator Alyssa Beck, Interventional Fellowship Coordinator Molly DeClue, Cardio-Oncology Fellowship Coordinator Aleana Evans, Advanced Heart Failure Fellowship Coordinator Linda Gallo, Aortopathy Fellowship Coordinator Cheryl Marshall, and Electrophysiology Fellowship Coordinator Megan Watters.
Carolyn has been in the division a little over a year, and Alyssa joined us three months ago. Molly came to the cardiology division two years ago, Aleana a year and a half ago, and Megan four years ago- but started her current position in October of last year. Cheryl has been with the cardiovascular division close to 26 years, and Linda just celebrated her 40th year here!
When asked about the best part of their job, they all agree that they have an excellent team of co-workers. “I love working with all the fellows, PDs and program coordinators. We are a great team and it’s such an honor to get to work with all of them every day”, says Carolyn.
Megan loves “watching our Fellows build confidence in their choice of field, seeing them graduate and moving on to greater things. Also, working with an amazing group of woman, who support and encourage each other in such a positive way.”
Outside of work, Alyssa loves to play video games, and considers herself a “huge gamer”. Molly plays volleyball and likes to check out new coffee shops. Megan also spends time outdoors, hiking and camping with her family. Carolyn spends lots of time with her husband and kids. Cheryl prioritizes spending time with family and friends. Linda rides motorcycles, and also enjoys hanging out with friends and shopping. Aleana loves getting brunch with friends and walking her dog.
All of their bucket lists include travel. Aleana wants to hike the Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, while Megan will try to visit every National Park. Cheryl dreams of vacationing in Europe. Molly would like to have a relaxing and sunny trip to Greece, while Alyssa wants to explore ice caves in Iceland. Linda’s list includes a Route 66 cross-country road trip, and Carolyn wants to travel to Egypt to see the Great Pyramids.
Division Staffing Updates
Positions open for hiring:
JR74113 Research Assistant – Dr. Rajan Sah’s Lab
JR73467 Clinical Research Coordinator II – Clinical Trials
JR72592 Research Cardiac Sonographer – Cardiovascular Imaging and Clinical Research Core Laboratory
JR73431 Postdoc Research Associate – Dr. Nate Stitziel’s Lab
JR73579 Research Specialist – Mouse Cardiovascular Phenotyping Core
JR74136 Research Opportunity – Dr. Stacey Rentschler’s Lab
JR74188 Research Opportunity – Dr. Sumanth Prabhu’s Lab
JR75520 Billing Scheduling Associate I – Patient Access Group
JR75599 Nurse Practitioner – South County Practice
JR75603 Medical Scribe – South County Practice
JR75595 Pub Health Res Coord I – Dr. Karen Joynt Maddox’s Lab
JR75743 Research Technician II – Dr. Ali Javaheri’s Lab
JR76349 Admin Coordinator II – Cardiology Administrative Services
JR76174 Research Technician I – Dr. Ali Javaheri’s Lab
Welcome to the Cardiovascular Division:
7/10/23 – Lauren Park, Clinical Research Specialist – Peterson Lab
7/19/23 – Nihil Abraham, Research Technician II – Sah Lab
7/24/23 – Amen Zelleke, Research Coordinator – Javaheri Lab
7/31/23 – Jordan Harris, Medical Assistant II – West County Practice
7/19/23 – Julianti (Yu-lee) Pitts, Medical Assistant II – West County Cardiology Practice
7/31/23 – Charlene Carter, Patient Access Rep I – Heart Care Institute Cardiac Diagnostic Lab
7/31/23 – Mayah Chavers, Patient Access Rep I – Heart Care Institute Cardiac Diagnostic Lab
7/31/23 – Angela Fix, Cardiac Sonographer – Heart Care Institute Cardiac Diagnostic Lab
Congratulations on your Promotion:
Dawson Haley, Research Coordinator I – Peterson Lab
Farewell to these Cardiovascular Division employees. Thank you for your service, you will be missed!
Erin Hoernis, last day 7/28/2023
Shane McKenzie, last day 8/4/23
Isabella Chandler, last day 8/11/23
Welcome Babies!
Lauren LaRose’s baby boy Francis Anthony LaRose was born July 15th, at 8lbs 20.75 inches. Congratulations to Lauren on this bundle of joy!

Congrats to Mary Wingate on her new Granddaughter, Angela Rose! She was born July 22nd, at 6 lbs 12 Oz and 19.25 inches.

Health & Wellness
Small by Fierce Soluble Fiber
Emma Greenhill, MS, RD, LDN
There are two types of fiber in food: soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and lower glucose levels (blood sugar). Insoluble fiber helps to keep your digestive system moving. Women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of total fiber a day, while men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day. Although there is no dietary reference intake for insoluble or soluble fiber, many experts recommend at least one-fourth of your total fiber intake come from soluble fiber. Both kinds of fiber are known for filling you up, but soluble fiber is particularly helpful in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Good Soluble Fiber Sources:
- Oats and Barley
- Peas and Beans
- Apples and Citrus fruits
- Carrots
- Psyllium seed and Flaxseed
Tips for Adding Soluble Fiber
- Read labels. Choose foods with3 or more grams of fiber per serving, as these are good sources of fiber. If a food contains at least 20% of the daily value of fiber, or +5 grams of fiber per serving, then it’s a high fiber food.
- Add fiber to recipes. Flaxseed can easily be mixed into oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt, or baked good recipes. Beans can be added to salads, soups, tacos, and curries.
- Eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juices. Fruit juice does not have the same fiber content of whole fruits.
- Make your plates colorful. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables and make half your plate produce.
- Stay hydrated. Remember to drink plenty of liquids to help fiber keep your digestive system moving. Otherwise, a high fiber diet might cause constipation.
- Bake fiber into dessert. Substitute whole-grain flour for half of the white flour (all-purpose flour) when baking. Or use whole wheat pastry flour to replace all of the all-purpose flour (white four).
- Make snacks count. Fresh fruits, raw vegetables, low-fat popcorn and whole-grain crackers are all good choices. A handful of nuts or dried fruits also is a healthy, high-fiber snack
Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

Serves: 1-2 • Prep Time: 10 minutes • Total Time: 8+ hours (overnight)
Savor the cozy flavors of apple and cinnamon any time of year by making up a batch of these vegan apple cinnamon overnight oats. Finely chopped apples are stirred together with rolled oats, soy milk, flaxseeds, cinnamon, and vanilla for this healthy, no-cook breakfast.
- 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
- 1 cup unsweetened (vanilla) soy milk
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter, melted
- 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 apple, chopped
- Optional: add chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts
- In a medium glass Tupperware or jar, add the oats, milk, peanut butter, flaxseed, cinnamon, and vanilla. Stir well with a spoon.
- Cover jar and refrigerate overnight.
- Add chopped apple and any additional toppings to the top just before serving, if desired.
- Protein: Thanks to the soymilk, peanut butter, flaxseed and any additional nuts you add, this overnight oat recipe is higher in protein than your average recipe.
- Gluten Free: To make this gluten free, just make sure to use gluten free certified oats.
- Storage: overnight oats can be stored in the fridge for up to 4-5 days. You can also freeze them for up to 3 months. Allow to thaw in the fridge overnight before serving.
- Flaxseeds: if you don’t have flaxseeds, you can use 1 tablespoon chia seeds instead. If you don’t have flax or chia, just reduce the milk from 1 cup to 3/4 cup and increase peanut butter until you reach your desired consistency.
More information at: https://dietitiandebbie.com/apple-cinnamon-overnight-oats/
Do you have BJC Cigna? Remember that you have annual coverage to meet with me, Emma Greenhill, a Heart Care Institute dietitian. Call 314-996-8165 for more insurance information or to schedule an appointment.
Volunteer for Health- The Research Participant Registry
The Research Participant Registry connects volunteers with clinical trials conducted at WashU’s renowned medical research center. By volunteering for medical studies, you can support the university’s mission and gain valuable insights into your health.
At Washington University, more than 1000 clinical studies begin every year to evaluate new experimental therapies or devices. For every study, also called a trial, researchers need individuals to serve as participants.
The RPR helps researchers find people who are interested and who meet study qualifications. We can also connect you with studies at other institutions who partner with Washington University in clinical research. For a complete list of Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) Affiliated Institutions.
People who are healthy and those who have medical conditions are needed, from every ethnic and age group.
By registering, you inform us that you are interested in participating. When a study comes up for which you may qualify, you may be contacted to determine your interest and eligibility. You may also receive study match alerts via email. You can then let us know whether you are interested or not in the studies you match for. Keep in mind – matching to a study does not mean you are enrolled – often times, there are additional criteria that need to be met for inclusion into a clinical trial. There is also the possibility that you will not qualify for any studies at this time.
Membership in the RPR does not obligate you to participate in any study; you are always free to say no. You may remove or modify your RPR profile at any time. All of the information you provide in the RPR is kept completely confidential, in compliance with federal law and Washington University policies.
The RPR is one of many participant recruitment services powered by the Volunteer for Health program at Washington University School of Medicine’s Center for Clinical Studies.
Find out more about this volunteer opportunity and join the registry.
Faculty Practice Plan Update | WashU Physicians Provide Discounted Procedures to Employees- Cosmetic Injectables
Washington University Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery now offers Botox® and Dysport® at the medical center (CAM, Suite 6G).
These wrinkle-relaxing treatments effectively reduce the appearance of frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead creases and are administered by specialized nurse practitioners and plastic surgeons. Appointments are available on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings, and consultations are free of charge. You can schedule a consultation by calling 314-362-7388, or by requesting an appointment online.
New Offering: Bear Bucks Payroll Deduction for Grubhub Off-Campus Purchases

Washington University Information Technology is pleased to announce that all faculty and staff can now log into Grubhub and utilize Bear Bucks payroll deduction to pay for purchases from any Grubhub merchant nationally.
This applies to pick-up and delivery through the Grubhub mobile app only. Bear Bucks can’t be used as a form of payment at the register in any off-campus merchants’ establishments.
To be able to utilize Bear Bucks payroll deduction with Grubhub off campus, faculty and staff need to:
- Set up payroll deduct in Atrium Connect.
- Log into the Grubhub app via mobile device with their WUSTL email address and activate Grubhub Campus Dining.
- Choose payroll deduction as their payment method at checkout.
After activating Campus Dining, individuals can activate Grubhub+ for free, with $0 delivery fees on orders over $18 from Grubhub+ restaurants and exclusive perks and rewards with every order.
Step-by-step instructions on activating Grubhub Campus Dining, signing up for Grubhub+, and choosing a payment method in Grubhub can be found in the ServiceNow Knowledge Base.
NOTE: This change does not affect the ability to utilize Bear Bucks balances for Grubhub on and off-campus purchases. Individuals will now have the option to choose either Bear Bucks balance (when available) or payroll deduction as payment method.
For questions about activating Grubhub Campus Dining or setting up and managing your Bear Bucks account, please contact BearBucksHelp@wustl.edu.
IT Spotlight: Better Data Security Starts with You
Washington University has a wealth of data that criminals desire. Patient, student, financial, research, and employee data make us a high-value target for cyber criminals. We have implemented multiple security defense layers to prevent nefarious actors from gaining access to our data, based on Cyber security experts best practices, and this layered approach begins with you.
Lost or Stolen Devices
Whether it’s a computer, phone, or USB drive, a lost or stolen device can present significant risk. These devices can contain personal information, credentials, PHI, and other sensitive data that could be used against you or WashU. Being proactive, rather than reactive, can help to reduce or even eliminate the risk.
Our organization sends thousands of emails every day. Attaching the wrong document is an easy mistake when you are in a hurry. Who hasn’t selected the wrong person when drafting an email? Here are a few steps to help improve your data security practices when working with email.
- Use [Secure] in the subject line if you need to send sensitive information to an email address outside WashU or BJC.
- Use only the minimum necessary amount of sensitive data within a email.
- Double check that the recipient(s) of the email are the intended individuals.
Storing and Sharing
There are occasions when data needs to be stored or shared outside of the security of our WashU devices. This need adds risk of the data being compromised and the media where the information is stored can be relatively small and easily lost or stolen. Here are a few steps to improve data security when storing or sharing data outside of WashU’s device protection.
- Ensure encryption is enabled on all devices where sensitive data are stored.
- Utilize WUSTL BOX and OneDrive instead of email for sharing large amounts of sensitive data.
- Physically secure any mobile storage devices from theft.
As was stated in the opening, the first tier in our multi-layered cybersecurity defense is you. Thank you for taking the time to read through these Information Security best practices.
Keep up to date with IT news at the Office of Information Security blog |
Follow the Cardiovascular Division on Twitter!
Check out our division account, @WashUCardiology! We will be sharing division accomplishments, announcements, news, events, and more. If you have a story about the cardiovascular division that you think deserves a social media spotlight, email bolhafner@wustl.edu.